Happy New Year! I have high hopes for this year both personally and professionally. I’m trying to get a job as an editor. I have a deep understanding of English grammar and a passion for making writing the best it can be. Working as an editor would allow me to prove my skill in a corporate setting. Down the road, that might lead to being an independent editor and author.
On the writing end, I plan to finish Heart of Ice, a real-world psychological novel. I'll be practicing the writing skills I talked about last week to get the story done. I’ll also be keeping a daily diary this year. I’ve never journaled before—Shocking, I know. I’ve tried every other sort of writing, and, as student of psychology, I know the power of journaling, but it never struck my fancy until now. Now is the perfect time to try it: I was gifted a beautiful journal and fountain pen, and I’m pursuing a meaningful personal vision this year. Journaling will help me keep that vision in view and keep a record of the journey.