My laptop didn’t shut down properly. More specifically, I thought it had fully shut down and pulled the plug before it was finished. Ever since, it hasn’t worked with the power cable alone. It always has to have the battery in as well. Also, the screen freezes unless it’s at just the right angle. What does the angle of the screen have to do with shutting down incorrectly? It makes no sense. I tried resetting the laptop. That didn’t fix either of those problems, but it did fix problems I was having with the start menu and audio.
I’m very glad that I can still use it, but I can’t rely on it, so I bought my first desktop computer. It’s a refurbished computer with a monitor, keyboard, and mouse. The price for the specs seems too good to be true, like way too good to be true. I’m about to find out if it is: the computer arrives today.
Needless to say: it’s been hard to get any writing done while dealing with all these computer problems. Once the new setup is up and running, though, I think it will prove to be a real blessing. Next week I’ll talk about the differences between writing on the computer and writing with pen and paper.