Abstract Art

Abstract Art in Writing

I've been experimenting with the writing equivalent of abstract art. Instead of explaining a situation through the meanings of the words, I try to evoke the experience of the situation through the connotations and sounds. It’s good training for creative writers because it forces you to think about words completely differently. Fair warning: these will sound like madness to most people. See if you can figure out what they're about before reading what inspired them.

1. The one that started it all

Emerald dream, vastly and veracity of Rimwall’s waves, al dente. Fine point frolic forget between. Matter crashing, grip the never seen, brain crag but no esteem. You innocent grit anagram florescent integrity be breaker or dreg.
(It's based on the idea that imagination can be more meaningful and solid than real-world worries.)

2. The latest one

Slow… Scintillating marinate. River far further inside, back sight through your eye. Slug bowl so—glint! Prefect, Phosphorous, and life. Wake up! Tiny seed cloudburst, the snaking streams, thickets leak. Mediation to war. Exhale the thorns, no fists memory, wash away. You kin power bin purity.
(The inspiration for this one came from Inner Light by Tenno, a beautiful ambient album.)

3. My favorite so far

Wild see? Walls sociology, self beyond. Pressure cooker fear—never free. Come to root feather family. Wind step leaf voice: that's privacy. Peel faux flocks of propriety, the ruffle "Scatter!" Flesh stained and rainbow rain: blood. Taste secret psyche hold, judgment push or pull. Please closer; hearts closed.
(Do you ever feel like you can't be yourself in social situations? This one explores the desire to be understood and accepted outside of a social context.)