Top 3 Speed-Writes So Far

I have talked about my routine of doing a speed-write every morning. Some come out better than others. Some stand out to me with their novelty or characters. Below are three of my favorites.


(15 minutes 11/2/19)

A single light illuminated the easel. The moon. Ray’s brush moved across the canvas with long, fast strokes. This would be an abstract piece. He wanted to capture warmth and energy in the midst of a cold, still night.

He had set up on the rooftop of one of the taller buildings in the old downtown, the city hall. Interior lights turned a speckling of windows into dots of yellow, giant stars, in the otherwise black scene. The poor lighting meant that he couldn’t see the true hues and vibrancies of the colors that he was working with, but that was the point, that was the fun of painting here. When the sun rose, the world would come to life and so would his painting.


(12 minutes 11/9/19)

Freezy waited for Toby and his siblings to head inside, and then his smile got a little bigger. He looked around. Snow covered the ground, but there weren’t yet huge banks or piles. There was just enough to make a snowman. Freezy knew what that meant. He would probably melt on the next hot day. Nonetheless, he could always trust Toby to form him again for Christmas.

How long until Christmas anyway? That was the all-important question. Freezy had to find the answer but not yet. He had to be patient. The sun set slowly, coloring the sky in fiery oranges and reds. Terrifying! Thankfully, the peace of darkness quickly followed. Sliding and skating, Freezy took off for the local church. The digital sign always displayed the date and time. He would be back in his spot well before sunrise.


(14 minutes 11/17/19)

I spring off my front door. If I jump at just the right angle, I can make it all the way to Bob’s, but it’s a tight gap. I’ve only managed it one time, and today won’t be a second as I swing myself around one of the cables anchoring the local convenient store. It’s hard to imagine what life will be like with gravity.

I say ‘will be’ because I'm going to teleport to the earth dimension on a business trip next week. Of course, I’ve seen pictures. In a way, it looks like a pretty dimension. Clear skied planets, instead of the endless mess of cables and platforms that we have. Life must be so hard, though, walking everywhere or relying on vehicles. I know I’m going to completely embarrass myself, not knowing how to walk, but Joey, the manager I’m going with, says that it isn’t too hard to figure out. He also says that he’s looking forward to laughing at me all trip long.