Relating to Jinx and Masking
“What character from a book, movie, TV show, etc. do you relate to or feel a strong connection to?” According to Vanessa Van Edwards, a behavioral researcher I was listening to, this question is supposed to reveal something about your self-narrative. Take a moment to answer the question for yourself. Only one character came to...Continue reading
Heart of Ice Is DONE!
I didn’t cry when I finished my last book. I didn’t expect to this time, but I did. Maybe it’s because the last scene I was working on is the last scene in the whole book. (That’s rare in novel writing.) Maybe it’s because the messages in this novel are so impactful. The story could...Continue reading
Pantoum Poetic Form
The pantoum poetic form is unique and specific. Each line repeats exactly twice, which means it has to make sense in two different contexts. Because readers know that every line will come back, they tend to form firm expectations. The best pantoums subvert these expectations and challenge the reader's assumptions. Pantoum Form A pantoum consists...Continue reading