Writing When Sleepy
Some weeks, I get way too much REM sleep and way too little deep sleep. Dreams blend one into the next all night long, and I wake up tired in the morning. This is one of those weeks. Let’s talk about writing while sleepy. Stephen King said, “Writing is refined thinking.” When you’re not thinking...Continue reading
Magic Realism Short Story: Anomaly
Magic realism lends itself to short stories. The best short stories pinpoint one particular challenge or concept; writers of magical realism use the uncanny to put their topic under a microscope. They add something inexplicable to the real world and then try to understand how it would realistically affect people and society. What if the...Continue reading
New Year’s Resolutions
Happy New Year! I have high hopes for this year both personally and professionally. I’m trying to get a job as an editor. I have a deep understanding of English grammar and a passion for making writing the best it can be. Working as an editor would allow me to prove my skill in a...Continue reading