Writing Wednesday
Fact: I hate social media. Second fact: social media helps me share my writing. How do I reconcile my multi-level disdain for a tool with my recognition of its utility? In the past, I have tried posting a lot when I’m ready to share new short stories and have ignored social media the rest of...Continue reading
NaNoWriMo 2022
November is NaNoWriMo, National Novel Writing Month. Writers who are up for the challenge try to write a novel of 50k words or more in one month. I don’t do that—I don’t like taking a month off my main project—but I always do some sort of challenge. This year, I invited a good friend and...Continue reading
Poetry on the Go
What do you think about while driving? I reason through ideas, pray, chat with my imaginary friend, play imaginary games, and think up poetry. My poetry-on-the-go starts with one line that seems interesting or sounds pleasant and then evolves into a complete thought. When I reach my destination, I write down what I came up...Continue reading