Literary Plein Air
My good friend Nathan Leemis inspired me to take my laptop outside. He often sets up his easel in nature and paints the scene before him. (Check out his work on Instagram.) I wanted to try that with descriptive writing. Here are two descriptions from my recent plein-air writing session: #1 The minuscule shrub...Continue reading
The College Break
My last post was on November 29, 2019. Where have I been? I took a little break to get my Bachelor of Science in English & Writing. I will be graduating at the end of spring—hallelujah! Cheap and fast sums up my plan for college, and I think a degree in two and a half...Continue reading
Top 3 Speed-Writes So Far
I have talked about my routine of doing a speed-write every morning. Some come out better than others. Some stand out to me with their novelty or characters. Below are three of my favorites. (15 minutes 11/2/19) A single light illuminated the easel. The moon. Ray’s brush moved across the canvas with long, fast...Continue reading