It’s NaNoWriMo and I’m back

I haven't posted since July. July! That's four months ago! Don't worry; nothing terrible happened. Social media is annoying, quite simply, so I took a break, a much longer break than I originally intended. November is NaNoWriMo; it seems like the perfect time to come back! (That stands for National Novel Writing Month for all...Continue reading

New Short Story: The Ball of Eras Past

In The Ball of Eras Past, a couple celebrates their anniversary by attending a recreation of an aristocratic ball. I wrote the story for a flash fiction contest. It had to be under 500 words long and include the prompt word "revived". I cut close; The Ball of Eras Past weighs in at 494 words....

New Short Story: Dimensions of Conversation

Dimensions of Conversation is a short story about an average office worker who reimagines a mundane conversation with a coworker as a magical battle, a game of cards, and a Wild West showdown. I wrote the story shortly after the general election of 2018 for Storyteller Magazine. Dimensions of Conversation explores the strategies behind tactful...Continue reading