New Flash Fiction: Fold Already!
This little comedy came from one of our first Write Nights. (Learn about the year one Write Night Anthology here >>) I had 30 minutes to write a story based on the following prompts: Genre: Alien Romance Location: Wild West Saloon Problem: Huge fart on the way Fold Already! “Uhewww,” Milno muttered to himself and...
Editorial Internship
The internship with YourBookTeam has been going well. I'm working with a team of editors on a guidebook about how to edit books! That's perfect: I get to practice editing while reading about editing and learning from other editors! I'm shooting for a remote editing job to support my writing, so this is exactly the...Continue reading
New Flash Fiction: Librocubicularist
I follow the Word Sleuth on Instagram. He posts words—usually obscure or underused words—and their definitions. After six words, he challenges writers to create stories or poems that include all six of the latest words. He had been reaching out to me about these challenges for months, and he finally caught me at a good...Continue reading