More than a Knock-Knock Joke
Knock. Knock. I freeze mid butt-wipe and slowly look over as if my neck would squeak if I turned it any faster. That banging sounded like it was right at the door, the bathroom door. Who’s in my house? Knock. Knock. Oh, my god! What can I use to defend myself? I reach for my...Continue reading
Sabacc for Playing Cards
Sabacc is the poker-like card game Han Solo plays in Star Wars. I played one hand and got the most powerful and most rare hand in the game: Pure Sabacc. Check out last week's post for more about the most outrageous beginner's luck in the galaxy far, far away. After that, I had to make...Continue reading
MegaCon 2024
MegaCon was better than I expected, even though it was packed from floor to ceiling with human bodies. I didn’t expect to like it—I hate crowds and don't follow any fandoms—but I went with an awesome group of people. Cosplay has come a long way: people looked like they had just walked off a movie...Continue reading