20-minute Flash Fiction
The Prompts Time limit: 20 minutes Genre: Mythology Location: Middle of a broken rollercoaster Problem: Your soul leaves your body The Story Tick, tick, tick… The cart, shaped like a massive pit viper, inches skyward. I crane my neck, fighting gravity to look at the other passengers. Most of us are dressed up—they gave us...Continue reading
How to Edit Your Own Work
Honest, knowledgeable proofreaders are essential for final editing. Not only do they help you find errors, they help you strengthen your work by showing you how it may be read and understood by your audience. Usually, though, you have to do the initial editing alone, sometimes even the final editing. Time may not allow you...Continue reading
3d-printed Shogi
I bemoan how time-consuming 3d-printing can be, but that doesn’t make it any less magical. The Shogi set came out great. I used wood PLA (filament composed 30% of wood) for the two sides of the pieces and marble PLA for the middle accents. Each player only starts with one Rook, Bishop, and King, so...Continue reading