Bowls with slips of paper

Writing Group Games

I am blessed to have other creative, talented writers in my friend group. Every month, we meet up for Write Night, a time for encouragement, honest feedback, and, best of all, writing challenges! In this week’s blog, I talk about some of the activities we’ve done or are planning to do. I’m hosting Write Night...Continue reading

Mistborn, The Hero of Ages

I Read the Mistborn Trilogy

I finished The Hero of Ages by Brandon Sanderson, the third book in the Mistborn trilogy! It takes me a long time to read a book, usually a year for a novel, so finishing a trilogy is a monumental achievement for me.   Here are my bite-size, spoiler-free thoughts on the series. The first book,...Continue reading


Saving character ideas: Antihero

Reginald Lattermire is another character idea born out of a single imagined scene. I wrote the scene and added a second scene to save the character’s personality and aesthetic. Check out the first post in this series to learn more about how I save ideas: "Saving character ideas: Villain." I call Reginald an antihero because...Continue reading